Monday 29 April 2019

Spring is in the air, and in my step

...for the wisteria is in full, fragrant flower at Oakwood Hall, and the office fuckwittery may finally be over.

I have finally agreed terms.  Office hours will now be 30 per week, as originally advertised in the job spec.  An agreed 9.00am start is a wonderful thing - as is a 3.30pm finish, especially when your lovely dad comes to pick you up and take you shopping. A new (and hopefully correct) contract is being prepared.   I'm now in full charge of the project for five weeks, until Gandalf's replacement arrives, and I'm giving it all my full attention.  As the person who is supposed to be my supervisor has not a Scooby about the project, or what it entails, I can pretty much just...well, do what I like.  Life is sweet.

This evening, Middle Kid came over on his way home from work, and we seeded the idea of a Diamond Wedding anniversary event of some sort with Lord and Lady Oakwood.  It's going to be weird.  The last ''big'' anniversaries were mostly planned and executed by me and Sissy; Middle Kid, who is considerably richer than either of us are or were, contributed funds.  It worked.  This time, with Sissy no longer with us, it's all a bit ''empty chair''-ish, and Middle Kid and I will be doing it between us, assisted by Mr A and Middle Kid's Bird.   Still, Lord and Lady Oakwood would like a bit of a ''do'' - low-key, intimate and only with (and I quote) ''people we like and want to invite''.  This is good. This is so good, that Middle Kid and I did the ''sideways glance of relief'' to each other.  It means no ancient bridesmaids, no ''better-invite-them-in-case-they-get-offendeds'', no ''just-in-cases''.  Just the (very) few rellies who everyone likes, a couple of old and dear friends, plus immediate family.  We're thinking summer picnic vibe.  Middle Kid has a swimming pool in his garden.  It will be different, but it will be good, and fun and, although there WILL be an empty chair, it will have spirit. 

I'm going to apply to have Betty Windsor send one of her special cards from the Palace for the event.  Cuzzy-in-the-West has already helped with planning that.  Shamefacedly, I had no idea of the exact date of Lord and Lady Oakwood's nuptials; I knew the year, and the place, but other than that, just a vague idea of it all having happened over August Bank Holiday in the year before I was born.  Luckily Aunt-in-the West came up trumps, having been prompted by Cuzzy. It's all good. 

And then, in other good, there's wisteria.  It's all VERY good.

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