Tuesday 2 April 2019

By all the Gods...

Today, having spent time with Gandalf of Excel, I'm feeling a lot more positive about my new role.  The more work I can take on with the project, the less involvement I'll need to have with Butterball.  This thought fills me with joy - as does the fact that April is going to be a very short month, what with Easter breaks and training days.  There are a LOT of training days at Fuckwittery Inc..  This may be why there's not a lot of actual work being done.

And then, courtesy of The Spectator, this...

On 29th March 845, Ragnar Lothbrok sailed up the Seine and successfully invaded Paris, not leaving until he'd been paid a ransom of some 2000 kilos of silver and gold by Charles the Bald, the king of West Frankia.

On 29th March 1461,  in their struggle to control the English throne, the Yorkist forces successfully routed the Lancastrians at the Battle of Towton.

However, on 29th March 2019,  another ''event of historic importance'' didn't go ahead as anticipated, despite two years of planning - for which mercy, applause all round - but it's getting tiresome now.  Obviously, the leaders of yore were made of sterner stuff and just got on with making shit actually happen, one way or the other.  I'll bet Ragnar didn't gather his Vikings together beforehand and  have vote upon vote upon vote trying to decide how best to get CtheB to capitulate.  He just called on Odin and waded in whirling his axes then, 600 years later, with God on his side and 10,000 fewer men than his rival, Edward of York just spanked Henry VI's forces into submission.  One way or another, someone has to take charge of this current mess.  Come back, Rag and Ted.  We need you!

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