Friday 21 January 2011

Oh, frabjous day...

To Bugville by bike, along the prom in the sunshine.  Clean clear air, ice-blue sea bright against the pale blue sky and gentle, syrupy waves folding against the shingle.  On days like these, I'm quite pleased to live here and I poodle along full of the joys of incipient Spring, despite the earache from the Arctic air.  No breeze, yet freezing cold.  The presence of sun lulled me into a false sense of security clothing-wise so, whilst the body was swathed in yards of pashmina and swaddled in a padded ski jacket, ears were nekkid and vulnerable due to absence of hat.  Doh!

Little B has a new craft project on the go, adding jewellery to her not inconsiderable list of 'stuff she can make'.  Now, she's a very crafty woman, is Little B and nothing much defeats her, but this new craft stuff is causing her a great deal of huffing and puffing because it just doesn't do what the instruction book says it does and there appear to be certain steps in the process that the author just hasn't included.  She's quite miffed, but persevering...

Life in the Anderson Shelter is still very small and very quiet, but there is an outing to London on the cards for tomorrow and I am beyond excited.  I can't write to much or crow too loudly about the venue or the event, as I am a last minute stand-in guest, via the good offices of my VBF Mrs G and it's all a bit Secret Squirrel.  She works very hard for Very Big Clever and Important Financial Wizards Inc. and has managed to get me included in a glittery and sequinned corporate outing.  Because VBCIFW Inc. are regulated and guidelined to within an inch of their lives, mere non-business hangers-on aren't usually at glad-handing events so I am a Very Lucky Person Indeed.  I think I'd not be giving too much away if I were to say that some music will be played, some costumes will be swished and some very shiny shoes will be on display.  Ooh, I can't wait!...

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