Tuesday 18 January 2011

A bit damp underfoot...

Last evening's rain made such a din as it lashed down on the glass roof of the veranda that we could barely hear ourselves think and certainly couldn't countenance dashing down the garden to lock the garage at bedtime.  Luckily, the garage is so full of crap that no self-respecting burglar would even give it a second glance, so I think the risk was minimal.  Added to that, we who live in the armpit of the world that constitutes outer Bugville probably engender some sort of sympathy from the criminal world, and might even find that they've left us something instead of having it all away on their toes.  Quite honestly, I fully expect to come home one day to find a druggy burglar rolling on the floor, helpless with laughter at the hundred year old television and the tinny stereo that constitutes our contribution to techy living.  Street resale value? About a quid, if lucky, and certainly not enough to buy anything approaching the quantity required to get even remotely high.  They'd get more of a hit from several fag-free days, followed by a hefty drag on a Bensons...

Anyway. The rain. It sheeted down, but I didn't realise QUITE how heavily until I tried to cycle down to Bugville this morning.  Most of my through routes were flooded, and the roads were slick with mud and running water.  Along the Promenade, a phalanx of operatives in hi-vis were shovelling shingle back onto the beach and, in town itself, they'd mobilised the mini-digger brigade.  The noise of a mini-digger's metal front scoop scraping along the concrete truly makes one's fillings ache.  Little B told me later that there was also a phenomenally high tide last night as well as monsoon rain, which would explain the water pouring up from the manholes.  It's nothing compared to the scale of the Australian floods, of course, nor could it ever be, but it brings home just how vulnerable we coastal dwellers are to the vagaries of the weather and the tides.  We are below sea level here and have fairly robust and new coastal defences, but these are no match for the fury of the sea when a high tide combines with a strong weather front.  I wonder how long it would take to become a competent Ark builder...

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