Friday 14 January 2011

A good day's work...

I know why it is, that when digging a hole in the garden, the dirt you dig out never fits back in.  What I don't understand is why, when you take all the books from the bookshelf, the bookshelves immediately shrink, leaving you with less than adequate space to re-shelve.  Still, the dining room now looks splendid.  The tumbling jumble-sale effect? Gone.  There are now only the cupboards of Doom to tackle. 

This house, being of the bijou variety, has what can only be described as 'limited' storage space.  There are still unpacked boxes in the garage from when we moved here in 1993. We probably don't need all the stuff that's stored in there, but clearing it is a project that's been on the very back burner every Summer since then.  The Boy has the idea that, if the garage were cleared, he could use it as a workshop to re-work furniture, which he probably could.  I'd be quite happy if we could just walk from one end to the other without having to mountaineer over carefully stacked piles, and if I could actually get at the things I occasionally need, like big cake tins and the jam pan.

In the meantime, my plan is to slowly clear out cupboards and drawers, shelves and boxes and, being ruthless, get rid of extraneous stuff.  Except books, of course. Because you never know when you might need them...

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