Monday 14 January 2013

There's snow business like snow business...

And the first snowfall of the year made the untidy grounds of the garden look almost magical.  Shame that underneath the blanket of pristine whiteness lurks a jungle of tangled dead stuff, left over from the last time that Bayleaf deployed anything approaching a gardening tool out there, so busy has he been with the allotment.  Still, I expect he'll get round to it in the Spring - hopefully before we disappear forever under a blanket of ivy and assorted weeds.

The verandah is still hanging in there despite the weight of the snow on the very broken glass- hanging being the operative word.  We are currently propped up with the frame of a UPVC door.  It looks bizarre, but does the job, pending enough money to tear down the thoroughly rotten and sagging existing structure and replace it with a shiny new one.  We spent the last tranche of considerable bunce on a massive holiday to the US of A in the Autumn.  We took off our sensible heads for a change and decided that we'd be a long time dead, so we might as well live a little whilst we could. So we lived a lot, travelling in Texas and California and having a thoroughly splendid time with friends old and new and spent the lot on boots, burgers and Margaritas. As my Nan would have said 'There's no pockets in a shroud' and, speaking of which, I almost had the chance to test out that statement for truth today.

The tax forms were due at the accountants in Bugville today, so I braved the snow and cycled down there.  All well and good it was, not too slippy even on the back roads and the fields along the lane looked lovely.  'Lalala, pretty, pretty snow', sang my inner self as I pootled along. 'OUCH! WTF WAS THAT???' shouted my outer self as I was hit in the back by a snowball thrown from a passing car and wobbled dangerously near to the front wheels of the passing 67 bus.  And, bugger me, if not a minute or two later, the same thing happened again, close to a  moving flatbed truck.

I just wish that people would show a bit more consideration.  Don't get me wrong, a snowball fight is a wonderful thing, but a snowball travelling  towards you at speed when you're balancing on two wheels isn't.  Still, I'm alive to tell the tale, and there will be lovely things for supper and the Boy will be home later, so blessings are counted for today.

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