Tuesday 15 January 2013

A day in the 'office'...

and my mind is overwhelmed with Allotment fees, filing, money transfers and general administrative gruesomeness.  The only saving grace has been a second open tab linked to Facebook, where today I've been educated into the delights of Willy Tea Taylor, his gigantic beard and his wonderful songs, a splendid piece of critique from the Independent about the new 'Les Mis' film and the design for  a new Girl Scout cookie; such are the vagaries of connections from far and wide.

I find these random postings a veritable daily cornucopia of interest.  Facebook per se is a terrible thing, a stealer of productive time, a repository for reams of utter dross, a place of potential pitfalls.  On the other hand, it is a way into places I've never been, ideas I've not heard about, things I've not seen and an introduction to people who begin as casual  acquaintances and turn into friends.  It gives me a daily dose of reality, a laugh or two, sometimes makes me gasp in horror or purse my lips in disapproval; occasionally, I get so angry that I have to turn off for a couple of days but, on the whole, it's been a Godsend.  In the last couple of years, things have, in parts, been fairly close to the wire for The Boy and me.  Money was short, and work was elusive.  We cut back on pretty much everything, hunkered down and became hermits.  Facebook became the paupers' means of communication.  We're not the sort of folks who spend what we don't have, so going out into the World wasn't an option; the World had to come to us.  And so it did.

I feel thankful on a daily basis for the friends I made, the ideas I considered, the things I learnt.  Blessings counted for today...oh, and a final one - an unexpected treat this evening.  I'm off out with a friend to see the 'live feed' of La Boheme from the Sydney Opera House.  Things have certainly improved...


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