Wednesday 21 October 2009

Hello, yeah, it's been a while. Not much, how 'bout you?

It's been a while, but living in Bugville really doesn't engender a great deal of exciting activity to write about. Having said that, summer has been healthy and wise if not wealthy, due in no small part to the sheer volume of veggies produced from various bits of the garden by my very clever Boy. It's all looking a wee bit shabby now, though, and there's nothing much left growing except a couple of peppers, some beetroot, a few radishes and the winter carrots, leeks, greens and celeriac, so it's back to the Farm Shop until the Spring. The freezer's full of fresh tomato sauce, though, and the pureed fennel tops for turning into fennel pesto ( a splendid Summer development dish) and the store is laden with spiced fig and onion and green and red tomato chutneys and a dozen jars of mirabelle conserve, so we have some tasty things to look forward to.

In the Summer break when, if truth be told, I was just far too lazy to fire up the blog, we had quite a few visitors including the nieces to pieces, young Mr Gibbs, various Belgians and The Paperboy, I sold a couple of pictures at an exhibition at Upper Snobton, we discovered the best Farmers' Market EVER, we rode miles on our bikes, I started writing a foodie book and sketched out the outline for a novel, we laid a new floor in the bathroom, we threw an immensely impressive Golden Wedding party for the Runts and went to several slightly lower key events, I got into Farcebook and therefore time-wasting of IMMENSE proportions, we had lots of verandah time, free festival time and went to a fantastic concert by Meneer V, Kris and Jeff and their two sidekicks Jimmi Moliere and Eli in the Vismarkt. The Boy awarded himself the whole of August off - very French and very unusual.

Now that the evenings are drawing in, there's more incentive to sit hunched over the keyboard and, blessings upon blessings, we have actually got some social engagements booked in so there will be entries. I promise nothing....................

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