Wednesday 13 May 2009

Keffir and the Art of Hayfever Maintenance

I'm waiting for it all to kick off. Normally by this time in the year and every year since I was seven years old, I'm awash with bogies, redly gritty-eyed and exhausted from long-lasting bouts of explosive sneezing. Once the trees start coming into leaf, that's me buggered for several months, even with copious amounts of druggage.

But, hush,hush, whisper who dares.........not this year. So far, so good.

I think it might be due to the keffir, although I'm still not convinced that it has quite all the mystical healing powers attributed to it by the pixieweb hippies. According to my reading, drinking or (God forbid after the one attempt I made) eating it can magically make your hair curl, cure you of scrofula, enable you to grow a huge penis (which could be slightly disconcerting if you weren't expecting it) or do one of many hundreds of things health related. However, as I have had not one sniff of hayfever since I started drinking the stuff in December and I've done nothing else of note towards effecting prevention, I've got to conclude the possibility. I'm still waiting for my penis...........

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