Thursday 14 May 2009

16 Years tomorrow........

I got married. I was 33 which, in comparison with my contemporaries, was pretty old for a starter marriage. It's lasted, though, unlike many, which makes me proud and incredulous in equal measure. I put it down to the lack of children and the fact that we had to stay friends (due to circumstances beyond our control) for a long time before becoming an official couple.

We've been out cycling today, only to the shops for a few bits and bobs, but it's good to get fresh air and a bit of healthy exercise. Back at home, we made a good dish of stuffed, baked vegetables - bought, unfortunately as the homegrown stuff isn't quite ready yet, but aubergines filled with a sort of paella with peppers and chorizo, flavoured with saffron, smoked pimenton and fennel tops and peppers stuffed with couscous, feta, the innards of the aubergines mixed with walnuts, onions and fresh mint and both served with a fresh tomato sauce served warm with fresh basil filled the hunger gap very effectively and tastily.

Unusually, we had a pud as well. I made a base of squished gingernuts mixed with a tiny bit of melted butter and a squeeze of lemon and pressed that into a mould. On the top, a mixture of cream cheese, lemon zest and double cream, topped off with fresh blueberries, dusted with icing sugar.

Quite festive for a Thursday..................

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