Monday, 20 May 2019

Rock the frock...

'tis a good day indeed when Cherub is out of the office as she was today.  I caught a glimpse of her teetering down the corridor, but she was far enough away that I didn't have to acknowledge her in any way. 

'twas an even better day when I got a handle on a way through the mire of the job, simply by calling in a few favours from people who I have been working closely with, and who, in their turn, have had the full Cherub experience.  I may just have turned a corner.  Whether or not it's the corner that Cherub wants me to turn, I know and care not.  At least I'll have something to counter with when she next goes off on one...

Happy days too, with the news that Mr A has been fashioning a prop for a costume party later in the year.  Having seen the photos of said prop (Mark 1), I have to say my im was truly pressed.  He IS a clever chap.

I'm spending the rest of this evening clearing out my wardrobe.  When I arrived at Oakwood Hall 9 weeks (9 chuffin' WEEKS!!!) ago, I brought with me a carefully considered capsule wardrobe of ''office'' clothes, all fitting the brief of ''Office casual, but no jeans, no t-shirts, no strappy or low-cut tops, no flipflops''.  Damn.  I hated every item, as nicely cut and ''classic'' as they all were.  The ''sensible'' trousers went home in week 2.  The dull, monochrome ''office-coloured'' tops ditto.  Everyone else looks so DRAB. They don't even wear ear-rings.  Sod it all.  I'm busting out the colourful frocks, the pretty shoes, the embroidery.  Spring and Summer are hoving into view and, besides, the office is a furnace most of the time.  I plan on invoking Menopause Rules if anyone says anything about my choices, although I fail to see how a nicely cut, expensive dress is less acceptable than a pair of black or grey trousers and a sensible top and acrylic cardi combo.  I brought my favourite dresses up from the Anderson Shelter a couple of weeks ago, and have been wearing them.  There have been ''looks'', I can tell you. I managed to score three lovely new dresses today, from the local (normally quite low-rent) charity shop in the local shopping centre: One from East, and two from Monsoon - total outlay, £15.00.  Added to the rainbow cornucopia already in the wardrobe, I'm good to go.  There are enough in there now to wear one every day for a fortnight without repetition.  The other items have been purged to storage in my suitcase behind the door, pending removal.  Tomorrow,  see me flounce, and colour me Gorgeous...

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